Edenred Extra bonuses

With our products you get a wide range of deals.

The Edenred Loyalty Programme

Cashback for payments using your Ticket Restaurant meal voucher wallet

Sign up for the Edenred loyalty programme

Earn up to CZK 10 cashback when you go to the restaurant. Fill in the form on the website loyaltyprogram.edenred.cz. All you’ll need is your email and the serial number on the back of your Ticket Restaurant/Edenred Card. Enjoy access to exclusive offers from our partner establishments, and collect rewards every day.

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ORLEN Benzina Tankarta

Get premium fuel at a discount anywhere in the ORLEN petrol station network

Edenred has partnered with Benzina to offer its existing customers benefits when they fill up with fuel. The card allows you to fill up at petrol stations for a fixed price. To receive an TANKARTY Benefit by Edenred, you must already have an active Edenred card registered in your My Edenred account. You’ll see the current price when you log in to your account.

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Online FKSP bookstore

book e-shops for Edenred Card FKSP card users

An employee from the public sector can choose from the entire range of the selected book e-shop. The e-shop provides a guarantee of monitoring the item composition, which is in accordance with the decree on FKSP. The range of establishments where employees can spend their FKSP contributions is respected by the employer's internal guidelines.

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Dr. Max FKSP e-shop

A unique e-shop created for cafeteria users by Edenred,

thanks to which even employees of public institutions can buy products from the health category. The e-shop offers only products that comply with the FKSP decree and that can be paid for with the Edenred Card FKSP. The range of establishments where employees can spend their FKSP contributions is respected by the employer's internal guidelines.

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Get money back whenever you shop online

We have a unique opportunity for you to save money when you shop online. Only for cafeteria users.

For every purchase you make at over 200 online stores, we’ll send a percentage of the payment back to your bank account. Shop at stores like Kasa.cz, Elnino.cz and Parfémy.cz for less. You’ll receive a discount on your purchase on top of any special offers, sales or loyalty points the store is offering. 

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